Tree planting ceremony at Jawor Municipal Park 

One year after Daimler AG’s announcement that the company’s new engine plant will be located in the Lower Silesian Province city of Jawor, representatives from city hall and Daimler planted three trees at the Municipal Park. The choice of plantings was symbolic: a ‘German’ oak, a ‘Polish’ linden and, of course, a sycamore – known in Polish as ‘jawor.’ The common effort to beautify the park is yet another example of the fruitful cooperation between Mercedes-Benz and the city of Jawor.

“Welcome to the family!” was Mercedes-Benz’s slogan celebrating Jawor’s joining of M-B’s network of more than 30 factories around the world. Construction work on the new plant has already begun and Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland is hiring its first batch of employees. But that is not all that has happened in Jawor since the company’s announcement. In keeping with its good corporate citizenship strategy, Mercedes-Benz has been actively supporting community efforts, conducting an open dialogue with area residents and collaboratively working with local government.

The beautification of the city park with a joint planting ceremony is yet another step in the company’s efforts to become an active and significant member of the local community. The oak, linden and sycamore trees planted near the historical 1888 fountain in the center of the Municipal Park symbolize the successful partnership between the investor and the city. That was the shared message expressed in the brief remarks delivered by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland CEO Dr. Andreas Schenkel and Jawor Mayor Emilian Bera.

The local authorities’ openness and engagement during the preparatory stages of our project confirmed that our decision to locate the factory here in Jawor was the correct one. By planting these trees which symbolize Germany, Poland and the city of Jawor, we are emphasizing our good relations. I am also convinced that this is a good omen for our shared future – that our cooperation will grow as robustly as the roots of the trees which we have planted today – said Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland CEO Dr. Andreas Schenkel.

The sycamore tree was planted by students from Jawor’s “Na 4-pory roku” kindergarten who also added a musical performance to the proceedings. Following the ceremony, the kindergarteners received commemorative reflective bands and flower seedlings.

The newly planted trees represent the first stage of the process of improving the city’s parks to provide residents with new and improved venues for community building and leisure-time activities.

I am happy that, together with Mercedes-Benz, we have had the opportunity to take part in yet another joint project. I am convinced that the trees which we planted today will not only make our Municipal Park more beautiful but will also serve as a token and confirmation of the good relations between the company and the city of Jawor. It is also a worthy means of commemorating the first anniversary of the very significant decision to locate Mercedes-Benz factory in our city – emphasized Jawor mayor Emilian Bera.