The Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland team is growing! 

While the construction of the Jawor factory is in its early stages, the recruiting process has been under way for several months now. So far, the future manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz passenger car engines has assembled its management team and is continuing to hire white-collar employees. At this point, the new company has nearly 30 employees at six different departments located in Warsaw, Wrocław and Legnica. The Human Resources department, under the leadership of Ewa Korwek, consists of five employees.
It is expected to number over 50 employees before the end of the year. Women make up more than 90 percent of the staff.

All open positions are posted on the company’s website as well as the portal. Until now, the positions offered have been in the administrative departments. The company has recently began to recruit its first production department employees who are expected to start working early next year. However, the real hiring boom is expected to begin in the second half of 2018, and last until 2019. “We are seeking experienced HR specialists as well as motivated young people with a mastery of German or English. The ability to work in a team environment is especially important as it helps create a collaborative atmosphere at work and improves results,” says HR director Ewa Korwek. “We want to build the best team possible at the Jawor factory to reflect Daimler’s ‘The Best or Nothing’ motto.”

There is a great deal of interest in positions at Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland. On average, there have been about 200 candidates for every position the company has advertised. We have also received over 1,500 direct applications not filed in response to specific positions posted on the two websites. – unfortunately, we are not able to consider these applications. In seeking complete transparency in the hiring process, the company has chosen to only consider job applications filed in response to specific want-ads posted online.

Daimler AG’s investment in Jawor is already having an effect on the local job market. At this point, nearly 70 percent of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland employees are from Poland, with the remaining 30 percent consisting of seconded Daimler AG workers. Over the last several months, the company has also established relationships with local vocational schools: the County Vocational and Continuing Education Center in Jawor, the Automotive Vocational Schools in Legnica and the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology’s Faculty of Technology and Natural Sciences in Legnica. This cooperation is expected to include gifts of new equipment for the schools’ workshops and facilities.

Photo: Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland HR team: top (L to R): Patrycja Błażejewska, Paulina Gofran, bottom (L to R): Edyta Karamon, Anna Frąckowiak, Ewa Korwek.