Main Prize and industry distinction for the Mercedes factory in Jawor in the competition “Pracodawca Jutra 2021” 

  • The project “Girls Go Technology, or girls tame technology” was the laureate and winner of the main prize in the “Ambassador of Education” category in the “Pracodawca Jutra 2021” competition.
  • The competition is organized for the sixth time by PARP (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development). 
  • The “Girls Go Technology” project also received an award in the automotive and electromobility sector.
  • This is yet another award for a project implemented by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland together with the Kawałek Świata-Media agency.

The Mercedes factory in Jawor was awarded best in class in the competition “Pracodawca Jutra 2021” organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. The educational project “Girls Go Technology, or girls get used to technology” won the main prize in the “Ambassador of Education” category and a distinction from the division’s Competence Council in the automotive and electromobility sector.
The “Pracodawca Jutra” competition was organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development for the sixth time. Prizes and awards are granted to companies that take specific initiatives in the field of education and preparation of employees for the needs of the labour market.

When we started recruiting for the electric motor and battery factory in Jawor 4 years ago, many human resources experts doubted whether we would be able to find employees for an ultra-modern factory in a 25,000 town. We focused on the professional activation of women and today they constitute 46% of the staff. The project “Girls Go Technology” aims to convince both teachers and students of secondary schools in Jawor that women can acquire digital competencies and are very capable within the modern industry. So we break stereotypes about “male” jobs in well-paid STEM industries. The project “Girls Go Technology” helps young women choose their career path precisely in technical professions, which they had often not thought about doing before. We ‘tame’ them with technology and give them tools that make them self-confident – says Dr. Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, director of corporate communications. – After 4 editions, we already have 60 female graduates in the region who are not afraid of challenges and consciously choose the professions of the future.  – she adds.

89 initiatives from all over Poland were submitted to the competition. 5 main and 15 sector prizes were awarded. This is the third award for Mercedes for the project “Girls Go Technology”. In January 2021, it was recognized with the Brązowy Spinacz in the “Złote Spinacze” ceremony organized by the Association of Public Relations Companies, and in September 2021, the project took first place in the Wings PR competition, in the corporate PR category.

About the project

“Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technology” is a series of meetings and workshops aimed at increasing digital competences by introducing young female high school students from the Jawor region into the world of Industry 4.0. It was established in 2018 under the initiative of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland. The aim of the project is to encourage as many women as possible to work in modern industry and to convince them that technology is a great opportunity for women in a rapidly changing labour market.
Permanent partners of the project are: Siemens Polska, WSSE “INVEST-PARK”, Educational Cluster Invest in EDU and Randstad Polska.