Mercedes, labour market and entrepreneurs from the region 

Milestones in the construction of a Mercedes-Benz engine and battery factory  in Jawor and the labour market in the Lower Silesia region are the main topics of the meeting, to which Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland invited entrepreneurs associated in the Jawor Land Employers Association.

Since the beginning of the investment, Mercedes has been conducting a dialogue not only with local authorities, education sector, but also with business representatives in the region. Annual meetings are an opportunity to present the progress of work and talks.

Good neighbourhood is an important element of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland strategy. Annual meetings with the Jawor Land Employers’ Association have become a permanent feature of the calendar of Mercedes-Benz and its members. They are an opportunity to discuss not only investments, but also the needs and problems of business  from the region – says Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, Communication and External Relations Director at Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland.

Currently Mercedes in Jawor already employs nearly 700 people, 36% of whom are women. Ultimately, the engine factory will employ over 1000 people, while the battery factory will employ over 300. Recruitment to the battery factory is supported by ManpowerGroup, whose experts invited to the meeting with entrepreneurs in the Regional Museum in Jawor, presented a forecast of changes in the labor market in Poland, with particular emphasis on the Lower Silesia region. According to Manpower, in 2020 there will be fewer job offers in almost every industry, which means that it will be more difficult to get a new job.

The exchange of information and experience between investors and members of the Jawor Land Employers’ Association is an example of good cooperation and proof of the friendly, business atmosphere in the Jawor district – summarizes Dorota Szcześniewska, President of the Jawor Land Employers’ Association.