„Eko Gwiazda 2017” Contest – Jawor edition 

Caring for the environment is instilled in us from childhood but our streets, parks and forests are still often filled with thrash – including electronic wastes. We want to change this – change the way we think about our immediate surroundings and promote environmentally-friendly behaviors.

Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland invites students from all post-primary schools in Jawor, Legnica, Świdnica and Wałbrzych counties to take part in its “Eko Gwiazda” (Eco-Star) contest.

The contest is open to two-person teams whose task is to record a brief film (on mobile phones, cameras or video cameras) on the subject of protecting the natural environment through everyday activities and how  to convince others to do the same (for example: not throwing out used car batteries in the forest). The deadline for teachers’ submissions of participating teams is October 31, 2017, while the deadline for video submissions is November 24. The competition jury will select the video which best promotes pro-environmental attitudes and the winning team (two students plus teacher/chaperone) will receive a two-day trip to the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart.

The contest is being held under the Honorary Patronage of the Jawor County Administrator Stanisław Laskowski.

We invite you to take part in this contest and look forward to numerous submissions!

Additional information and contest rules can be found at: www.jawor.ekogwiazda.pl

The contest’s organizers can be reached at: tel. (12) 411 44 17, 512 937 796 or at  kontakt@ekogwiazda.pl.