The Mercedes factory in Jawor is the first among women-friendly companies! 

The Mercedes factory in Jawor won in the Women’s Friendly Company category at the Women’s Faces Economic selection. The jury appreciated that the company managing the factory of engines and eletric batteries in Lower Silesia not only adheres to the principle of equality in business but also knows how to effectively awaken the strength of women.

At the plant in Jawor, we promote the idea of ​​diversity in all fields. In our staff we have 1,100 people, 41% of all employees are women, while the average in Mercedes factories does not exceed 15%. This statistic shows the effects of a consistently conducted policy of activating women. – says Dr. Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, Director of Communication and External Relations at Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland.

The involvement of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, the company managing the factory, in initiatives supporting women is not accidental. The aim of one of the projects initiated and organized for 3 years is to introduce girls to mathematical, technical and engineering sciences. “Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technology” is addressed to high school students and technicians from the Jawor district and surrounding areas. Girls have the opportunity to see that technology is not only friendly but also it is a great idea for a professional life. The program encourages young women to try their hand at areas that were once considered typically male.

We show women that Industry 4.0 is the perfect place to use their potential: intelligence, knowledge, creativity. Those areas stereotypically considered masculine in the age of technology has no gender. Currently, there is still a shortage of IT specialists and engineers in the labor market. We encourage women to be aware of their talents and professional predispositions, emphasizes Andreas Schenkel, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland.

Mercedes-Benz has long recognized the potential of women. Not only because Mercedes is a female name. “She’s Mercedes” is an initiative that includes a website created through the participation of women from all over the world who inspire each other, sharing their insights on professional success, private life, the fulfillment of passion and the proper balance of all areas of life. It is followed by further activities, thanks to which the brand creates friendly workplaces and activates female energy.

The Economic selection, Women’s Faces, is an idea aimed at supporting women’s entrepreneurship and presenting the profiles of women who have an impact on the economic development of their region and country. This year, for the seventh time, the competition jury awarded distinctions in five categories. This year’s announcement of the winners was held on December 14 in a unique form. Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, we could follow the final of the plebiscite online.