“Electrifying record” – new episode of the podcast “Pół godziny z gwiazdą” 

A new record has been set and established in the category of ‘The greatest distance traveled by an electric car in 24 hours’. The distance covered was 2,185 km by Dagmara Kowalska, journalist and radio presenter, and Norbert Cała, a journalist dealing with new technologies and author of the TechLove broadcast, in the Mercedes EQS. Details of the journey can be found on the Mercedes-Benz podcast “Pół godziny z gwiazdą”.

The podcast is available at:

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/polgodzinyzgwiazda/12-elektryzujacy-rekord

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7fSF17YHG9fdKn972L4mzN?si=vm6ekKp7S6GbikyArK-3lA

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/pl/podcast/12-elektryzuj%C4%85cy-rekord/id1491733124?i=1000546322382

You can read more about the podcast and travel at the link.