Girls know „How to plan with your head?” 

Girls from the Jawor region don’t slow down and meet once again at the workshops “Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technologies.”

This time, participants had an opportunity to put down their dreams about a perfect business on paper and learn how to plan with their heads. During few hours’ workshops, the girls learned the basic rules of preparing a good business plan, value proposition and creating personas. Divided into several groups, they were dealing with planning a budget, choosing a proper location for a company and looking for the ways of financing their business. The hardest part, though, was critical thinking and finding weeknesses in their own projects in order to draw right conclusions and make changes immediately. The girls were working really hard to present their detailed business plans at the end. Who knows, maybe in a couple of years dreams will come true ?

The workshops were held for the fourth time in the Regional Museum in Jawor and were carried out by Małgorzata Ratajska-Grandin from Geek Girls Carrots.

Our project is supported by Randstad PolskaPolitechnika Wrocławska – Wydział Techniczno-Przyrodniczy w Legnicy, WSSE „INVEST-PARK” and Klaster Edukacyjny Invest in EDU.