The second edition of Girls GO Technology has been completed! 

16 participants, 6 months, 5 workshops – the second program of the project “Girls GO Technology, or girls familiar with technology” initiated by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland has come to an end.Another group of girls from the Jawor district, together with specialists from the STEM industry (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), tamed the technology. On June 6 at the Regional Museum in Jawor, 16 female students from two schools: the District Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education in Jawor and from Bolków received certificates from Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, a representative of MBMPL,

– The aim of the project is not only to broaden the knowledge of participants in the field of new technologies, but also to overcome stereotypes and teach girls confidence in their own strength – emphasizes Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, Director of Communication and External Relations. Certificates were given for the program’s completion.

As part of “Girls GO Technology” in the period from February to June 2019, thematic meetings were held:

1. How to plan with your head? – project management, generating new ideas, value proposition, business plan, personas, principles of good feedback.

2. Artificial intelligence and social media – an introduction to artificial intelligence, technological trends, social media as a marketing tool, creating a bot for Facebook Messenger applications.

3. How to get along with the computer? Programming – what is the programming, what is an algorithm, the basic elements of  Python language and data structures, installation of the Python environment and PyCharm CE, work on your own project.

4. Competences and technologies of the future – digitization, competences and technologies of the future, virtual reality, designing innovations in the spirit of Design Thinking.

5. What’s next? Is technology my future? – labour market, expectations of employers, CV creation.

The partners of the second edition of the Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland project, which was established in 2018, included: Indigobird / Stabilis, Siemens Polska, Geek Girls Carrots, WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”, Education Cluster Invest in EDU, Randstad Polska, Wrocław University of Technology – Faculty Technical and Life Sciences in Legnica and Seifert Poland.