The digitization of companies saves on cost while increasing efficiency and security. Investments in this area are still growing, but the latest DIGI INDEX 2022 [Digital Enterprise Index] report shows that the level of digitization of production in Poland is still quite low, amounting to an average of 2.4 points on a 4-point scale. The Mercedes factory in Jawor is an Industry 4.0 plant that closely follows digitization trends.

  • Among the four surveyed industries, the automotive and machine industries are the most favorable (2.6 points). This is due to the fact that planning and management around implementation has a more holistic involved dimension. – says Monika Bogucka, Projects and Infrastructure planning Manager, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland.

We encourage you to read the full report prepared by Siemens Polska: https://new.siemens.com/pl/pl/o-firmie/raporty-siemens/digi-index-2022.html