Security above all. 

Workshops on road safety which have been organized in the Berthy Benz room at the museum in Jawor have already become the catalogue for shaping the correct attitudes and behavior of the young towards road traffic safety. This time, participants of the classes, traditionally conducted by officers of the District Police Headquarters in Jawor, were the children of the Children’s Home in Golanka Dolna. Children learned the principles of safe passage through the pedestrian crossing, improved their knowledge of behavior in emergency situations, learned how to recognize a real police officer and where to call when they witnessed an accident. Then, the young guests had time to visit the exhibition, “Jawor – a new chapter in the history of Mercedes-Benz.” The video kiosk and engine models were especially popular with children. At the end, all received reflective bands and teaching materials, funded by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland.

Pictures: Regional Museum in Jawor